《我們在炎熱與抑鬱的夏天,無法停止抽煙》 |
1. j'ai peur 2. Japan實瓜 3. 我愛官恩娜,都不及愛你的哨牙 4. 馬田的心事 5. 讓我搭一班會爆炸的飛機 6. Indie悲歌 7. 奇人的離職 8. Frankie wants to be alone 9. 悲傷的採購 10. 荔枝角公園 11. je pense a toi 12. 畢業變成失業 13. 美孚根斯堡與白田珍寶金 14. 和陳五msn 15. Debbie, don't send this song to others 16. Dolly and BB will not wake up anymore 17. My little K and J |
1. j'ai peur j'ai peur que tu ne m'aime plus, j'ai peur que tu ne me parle plus, j'ai peur que tu as une autre belle fille, j'ai peur que tu veux me quitter, j'ai si peur que je ne peux pas dormir, ce sera finir bientot, je sais, oui je sais. 2. Japan實瓜 You teach me French, but I cannot speak well. You teach me French, but I cannot speak well. You said 'je pense a toi', but I said 'Japan 實瓜'. you said 'je pense a toi', but I said 'Japan 實瓜'. I teach you French, but you cannot speak well. I teach you French, but you cannot speak well. I said 'je pense a toi', but you said 'Japan 實瓜'. I said 'je pense a toi', but you said 'Japan 實瓜'. 3. 我愛官恩娜,都不及愛你的哨牙 難道你已經不再喜歡我,碰見面也都不嗌吓我,難道你已經不再關心我,看見亦要直行直過。其實我已經算很喜歡你,對住第二個都冇咁好氣,其實我已經算很欣賞你,看住電視亦會想起你。我就算喜愛官恩娜,都不及愛你的哨牙,我就算喜愛何韻詩,她都不及你的法文詩。如若你真的這麼喜歡我,到最後你不應該放棄我,難道你也見一個鍾意一個,每個月看中數十個。On partage la musique, dans la rue, sur le lit. On n'a pas besoin de parler, et la main dans la main, comme ca, juste toi et moi, ensemble, toujours. 我就算喜愛薛凱琪,都不及愛你的皺眉,我就算喜愛張柏芝,她都不及你咁得意。我就算喜愛官恩娜,都不及愛你的哨牙,我就算喜愛何韻詩,她都不及你的法文詩,她都不及你咁得意,她都不及你咁真摰。 4. 馬田的心事 我,很想,很想打俾你。我,很想,很想打俾你。但我知道,如果我,真的打俾你。你就會,驚我想約你。我不想,你知道,我想你。我不想,你知道,我想你。若你知道,我真的,很想,很想你。你就會,不再跟我睇戲。我愈想你,我就愈想你,做什麼都沒有心機。我愈想你,我就愈憎你,為什麼你要將我捨棄?在樓梯的轉角,我只能偷看你。在茶水間的雪櫃旁,我們擦身而過。你的眼睛,你的頭髮,你的身高,我都不敢細看。我愈想你,我就愈想你,做什麼都沒有心機。我愈想你,我就愈憎你,為什麼你要將我捨棄?我愈憎你,我就愈生氣,為什麼你不給我驚喜?我愈生氣,我就愈小器,為什麼我要將你念記? 5. 讓我搭一班會爆炸的飛機 讓我搭一班會爆炸的飛機,去到台灣之前被炸死。讓我喝一杯會吐血的香檳,在喝醉之前可斷氣。我以後也不會再打電話給你,再沒法對電話唱k,你要是孤單便去找好友睇戲,他們一定會氹返你。讓我搭一班會爆炸的飛機,回到香港之前被炸死。讓我喝一杯會吐血的香檳,在喝醉之前擁抱你。我以後也不會再打電話給你…… 6. Indie悲歌 專業音樂人,不想音樂有indie之分,彷似些有錢人,從不理會貧窮的心。但我沒有怨恨,即使滿心傷痕,不管主流傳媒多黑暗。討厭你的人,只會繼續火滾,喜愛你的人,不會個個現身。但你要繼續前行,多遠請不要問,總有些人陪在你左近。我要這首歌,在大氣電波飛行,讓DJ可播另一種聲音。但佢哋沒有責任,肯播是我的運,只怪我的聲音太啃,只怪我的公司冇銀,我與大眾永不會拉近。就算沒法流行,總想繼續前行。出碟你記得幫襯。 7. 奇人的離職 到最後你都係要走,我沒有挽留。到最後你都係要分手,你沒有回頭。我沒有強求,你在我眼前,我在你背後,看你離開帶走你的小狗。j'ai peur que tu ne m'aime plus, j'ai peur que tu ne me parle plus, j'ai peur que tu as une autre belle fille, j'ai peur que tu veux me quitter, j'ai si peur que je ne peux pas dormir, ce sera finir bientot. 到最後我都沒有開口,我只有垂頭。到最後我都沒有跳樓,我只有淚流。對於愛情,對於友情,我都會任由,任由它自己飄走。j'ai peur que tu ne m'aime plus, j'ai peur que tu ne me parle plus, j'ai peur que tu as une autre belle fille, j'ai peur que tu veux me quitter, j'ai si peur que je ne peux pas dormir, ce sera finir bientot. 8. Frankie wants to be alone His name is Frankie, likes to drink green tea. And I noticed him, when I was 16. We discussed about Christy, she was the goddess to me. He knows who is Tim, but not closed to him. Though they both like film, they have different dreams. Frankie wants to be lonely, he needs no one to agree. He walks alone in school, no one think he is cool. He never studies hard, but he always gets high mark. People think he's so strange, but he doesn't wanna change. All he need is daydreaming. No one really knows his thinking. He walks alone in school...No one really knows his feeling. 9. 悲傷的採購 訂了一季,又到下季。為何人大了就要成為工作的奴隸,最愛作的不可發揮。我的感覺,逐漸流逝。從前曾話過要如何欣賞世界的美麗,現在只懂得放假去消費。如果繼續這樣,我還是我嗎?我還喜歡我嗎?或者我應該死去吧,總好過變得更差。如果繼續這樣,你還願意嗎?和我奏著結他?日子不應該這樣吧,而現實就是這樣可怕。如果繼續這樣…… 10. 荔枝角公園 Chaque fois, quand je te vois, je pleure. Toutes les petites choses me font pleurer, et apres toutes les larmes, j'ai deja oubile pourquoi je t'aime. Le temp est arrive, il faut que je te dise 'je m'en vais'. 11. je pense a toi You teach me French, but I cannot speak well. You teach me French, but I cannot speak well. You said 'je pense a toi', but I said 'Japan 實瓜'. You said 'je pense a toi', but I said 'Japan 實瓜'. 12. 畢業變成失業 一畢業就等於失業,一畢業就等於失業。Shoo do do do do do do do shoo do do do do do do do shoo do do do do do do do shoo do do do do do do do。七個月見咗三十九份工,搵份工仲難過搵老公,我今日只想留在家中。Shoo do do do do do do do shoo do do do do do do do shoo do do do do do do do shoo do do do do do do do。見工見到入咗去東涌,點知份工要去掘山窿,我今日只想留在家中。聽見同學逐個搵到工,但我仍在尋尋覓覓中,沒有人比我更加燶,不幸正與我結伴中。Shoo do do do do do do do shoo do do do do do do do shoo do do do do do do do shoo do do do do do do do。之後見啱份工以為好輕鬆,因為份工其實基本上係冇人工,我今日只想留在家中。Shoo do do do do do do do shoo do do do do do do do shoo do do do do do do do shoo do do do do do do do。一畢業就已經失業,一畢業就已經失業。 13. 美孚根斯堡與白田珍寶金 我們在炎熱與抑鬱的夏天,無法停止抽煙。我們在炎熱與抑鬱的辦公室,無法停止寫詩。我們是美孚根斯堡與白田珍寶金,金錢對於我們來說,輕如鴻毛。我們是香港最後一群缺乏社交技巧的詩人,我們是演奏家、思想家。我們是迷失在森林裡的旅人,在同樣不仁慈的善良與邪惡之間,與潮人抗衡。我們在嶺南之風、美孚之巔,在公園、電影院、商場,送別所有成長的記憶。我們喝著涼茶聽著音樂,大口大口地把煙噴到天上,日出日落,我們如在巴黎法國。我們在炎熱與抑鬱的夏天,無法停止抽煙。我們在炎熱與抑鬱的辦公室,無法停止寫詩。 14. 和陳五msn 我愛你,我要帶你返屋企,我不要等你,我不要在msn等你。我要你,我要繑住你的手臂,像那晚繑住你的手臂,閉著眼行了一條街,你說這是測驗對對方信心的遊戲。這個世界已沒有將來,我在這裡被悶到炸開,我要與你流亡到海外,我說,我們不如一同去到越南食魚蛋,我說,我們不如一同去到月球釣泥鯭,我說我們不如一同去到去到去到……其實我知道你不開心,其實我知道你不想一個人,其實我都不想一個人,我說我們不如結婚,但結婚之後要分開住分開瞓,然後你問咁點解要結婚?我說和不太熟的人結婚應該會很開心。這個世界已沒有將來,這裡永遠也沒法變改,我要與你流亡到海外,或者我們都不需要真的戀愛,或者我們只不過需要間唔中去一次諾士佛臺,或者我們只不過需要一種新的戀愛。 15. Debbie, don't send this song to others Where are you? Oh my dear Debbie, don't you know me? I'm your little P. Yeah...I dance alone, you just stand near Jerry, never give me fantasy, oh my darling Debbie. Oh my Debbie, can you imagine if one day I disappear, and will you cry for me? Will you miss me? Oh my Debbie, you make me crazy. If you still talk with Jerry, I could not sleep, how could I sleep? Na... Oh my Debbie, Jerry laughed at me, he said that I was in a dream. Do you think it's a dream to me? Oh my dear Debbie. I have a dream, holding hands with Debbie, kissing her lips, touching her skin. Where are you? 16. Dolly and BB will not wake up anymore Dolly my little dog, fur in black and brown. She met her boyfriend Rocky, they played in the ground. One winter night, a baby dog was born. Unfortunately, Dolly died next morning. I cried in the morning. BB the baby dog, lost her mother Dolly, thus we fed her, pretend to be her mother. BB grew up, and had babies. Maybe that's fate, one day the wolf dog bit her, the wolf dog bit her, the wolf dog bit her. The wolf dog bit her neck, and BB couldn't breathe. She's puling on the floor, her blood sketched on her chin, her son's watching and barking, he was too small to do fighting. I didn't save my darling, I was sleeping. Dolly my little dog, fur in black and brown. She met her boyfriend Rocky, they played in the ground. One winter night, a baby dog was born. Her name's BB, her name's BB, her name's BB. 17. My little K and J It's Kate's first time to a friend's wedding, everyone looked nice with their nice dresses. Kate hugged the bride and gave her best blessing. She was arranged to sit next to Jane, Jane smiled to Kate with no talking, Kate was confused and Jane felt interesting. When you see her smile you'll understand why, see-through blouse and perfume, heels and silk stockings, Jane don't wear those things, she's simply brightening. So that's life not just for a night, champagne hidden our secrets of lives and that is it you need no wondering. You're no more a little girl. After 2 days Jane messaged Kate, "mon cheri" "mon cheri" Jane called Kate, oh who could help Kate she'd fallen to Jane. She can't explain why her taste has changed, they didn't kiss in their first dating, felt shy and smiling, forgot everything. Oh little Kate, our tastes can change, see how it started in the crowded wedding, so that is it you cannot quit the game. And that's love not just for a night, champagne hidden their secrets of pink and that is it they cannot quit the game. Kate's no more a little girl...
artwork & photos by ling ling ling |